sábado, 8 de agosto de 2015


Read the emails and tick () A, B, or C.
www.friendsinternational.comSay hello to international friends!
From: Friends International
To: Katie
Subject: New penfriend!
Attachment: photo of Oscar
Hello Katie! This is your new penfriend in the photo. His first name is Oscar and his surname is Gil. This is his email: oscar@postit.co.mx. Have a nice day!
To: Oscar
From: Katie
Subject: Hello
Attachment: photo of Jack and Katie
Hi! My name's Katie Steel. I'm English and I'm 18. I'm from Manchester in England. And this is my boyfriend Jack Frost in the photo! He's 19. Where are you from, Oscar?
To: Katie
From: Oscar
Subject: Good evening
Hello Katie! Good evening from Spain. My name's Oscar Gil. I'm in Madrid in Spain, but I'm not Spanish. I'm Mexican. I'm from Puebla and I'm on holiday in Madrid. My friends in Spain are Ana and Fernando García. They're Spanish. They're from Valencia and they're 19. I'm not 19. I'm 20. Where are you? Are you in Manchester? Is Jack English?
To: Oscar
From: Katie
We aren't in Manchester. We're in London. We aren't on holiday!! And Jack isn't English. He's from the USA. It's late, Oscar. Nice to meet you! Thank you for the email. Bye!
To: Katie
From: Oscar
Goodbye, Katie. Nice to meet you.

1 Answer the questions about you with complete sentences.

1   What's your first name?

2   What's your surname?

3   Where are you from?

4   Are you American?

5   Are you on holiday?


2   Answer the questions about Tom with complete sentences.
First name: Tom
Surname: Johnson
Nationality: American
1   What's his first name?

2   What's his surname?

3   Where is he from?

4   Is he Russian?

5   Is he from the US?


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