lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2015


Look at the map and complete the sentences.

1.- Al’s Coffee Shop is …….. Second Avenue, ……….. the shoe store.
2.- The Regency Movie Theater is ………..Park Street, ………..the park.
3.- There’s a bank ………..the department store.
4.- There’s a drugstore ………..Second Avenue. It’s ………..Main and Center.
5.- There’s a gas station ………..First Avenue and Center Street.

CONNECTORS: and, but, or, because, so, too
John and Mary are American.
I am tall but my sister is short.
You can travel by bus or by train.
I eat broccoli because it is healthy.
por lo tanto
I’m tired so I’m going to rest.
Paul can sing. He can play the guitar, too.

What’s the weather like?

Phrasal verbs

A: Would you like to go to a talk on Thursday?

B: Thank you, I’d love to go.
B: Thank you, but I can’t.
A: How about going to a talk on Thursday?
A: What about going to a talk on Thursday?
B: Good idea.
B: I’d love to go but I’m busy on Thursday. Maybe some other time.
A: Let’s go to a talk on Thursday.
B: Yes, let’s (go).
B: No, not a talk. Let’s go to a concert instead.
A: Why don’t we go to a talk on Thursday?
B: Sounds great!
B: Sorry. I’m busy on Thursday. Maybe some other time.
A: Shall we go to a talk on Thursday?
B: OK, let’s (go).
B: Oh, why don’t we go somewhere else?

ProProfs - FILE TEST 07 VOCABULARY 5 Complete the sentences with verbs from the box in the correct form.

1 Read the text and match the days to the activities.
An adventure holiday in Peru
Adventure Travel offer you exciting holidays – and they’re not expensive! Go on a wonderful two-week trip across Peru from Lake Titicaca to the Amazon rainforest. And if you book the holiday before 29th August, you can save £400!
Days 2–5
On the second day, we’re going to start our trip at beautiful Lake Titicaca. Then, early in the morning of the next day, we’re going to fly to the city of Cusco. It’s an old, historical city with many things to see. The Inca people lived there many years ago and built wonderful monuments. We’re going to spend three days in the region, visiting the market of Pisac, walking Inca paths to ancient buildings, and staying overnight in a village house. On our final day we’re going to ride mountain bikes along the valley to the Inca fortress of Ollantaytambo.
Days 6–9
On the sixth day, we’re going to start walking to Machu Picchu – it’s a famous, historical Inca city on top of a mountain. It takes four days to walk there on an ancient path that takes you past small ruins along the way to Inti Punku, the Sun Gate, and your first fantastic views of the beautiful city. We’re going to spend the last of the four days looking at the wonderful old temples and climbing Huayna Picchu.
Days 10–13
We’re going to spend the last four days of the trip on a visit to the Amazon rainforest. We’re going to stay in a comfortable hotel near the Tambopata River and have lots of time to walk in the rainforest.
Responsible Travel
We’re going to stay in village houses during the trip, so you can meet local people and give money to the village communities. Adventure Travel also gives £5 to charity for every person travelling on this trip.

ProProfs Quiz- FILE TEST 07 WRITING Answer the questions and write a trip for an adventure holiday in your country.

Student A
1 Ask your partner these questions.
1  What do you like doing in your free time?
2 What sports do you enjoy watching?
3 What are you going to do at the weekend?
4 Where are you going to go for your holidays?
5 What are you going to do there?
2 Now answer your partner’s questions about you.
3 Your partner has information about Harry. Ask questions and complete the table.

What / going to do?
Who with
What time?
Saturday morning

Saturday afternoon

Saturday evening

Sunday morning

Sunday evening

4 Read the information about Penny’s activities in her diary for next weekend. Then answer your partner’s questions.
Morning         11 a.m.    meet Joe for a coffee
Afternoon     3 p.m.     play tennis with Emily
Evening          9 p.m.     go to theatre with Sam
Morning         9 a.m.     go cycling with Emily
Evening          8 p.m.     have dinner with Aunt Sally

Student B
1 Answer your partner’s questions about you.
2 Now ask your partner these questions.
1  What do you like doing in your free time?
2 What sports do you enjoy watching?
3 What are you going to do at the weekend?
4 Where are you going to go for your holidays?
5    What are you going to do there?

3 Read the information about Harry’s activities in his diary for next weekend. Then answer your partner’s questions.
Morning         10 a.m.    meet Dave for breakfast
Afternoon     3 p.m.     play golf with John
Evening          8 p.m.     go to the cinema with Dave
Morning         11 a.m.    go swimming with Rachel
Evening          7 p.m.     cook dinner for John and Maria
4 Your partner has information about Penny. Ask questions and complete the table.

What / going to do?
Who with
What time?
Saturday morning

Saturday afternoon

Saturday evening

Sunday morning

Sunday evening

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